

1. Intellectual property offices and other competent institutions constituted under the law of a Member State or the Union shall not
(a) new applications for registration of trademarks, patents, industrial designs, utility models, protected designations of origin,
and geographical indications filed by Russian nationals or natural persons residing in Russia, or by legal persons,
entities or bodies established in Russia, including if jointly filed by a Russian national or natural persons residing in Russia,
legal persons, entities or bodies established in Russia with one or more non-Russian natural or legal person resident or
established outside of Russia;由俄罗斯国民或居住在俄罗斯的自然人,或在俄罗斯设立的法人、实体或机构提交的商标、
(b) any requests or submission filed by Russian nationals or natural persons residing in Russia, or by legal persons,
entities or bodies established in Russia during the registration procedures before such intellectual property offices related
to any of the intellectual property rights referred to in point (a).俄罗斯国民或居住在俄罗斯的自然人,
2. Member States, in their capacity as Contracting States to the Convention on the Grant of European Patents of 5 October 1973,
as revised on 17 December 1991 and on 29 November 2000 (the “EPC”) and in fulfilling their international obligations undertaken
in the EPC, shall use best efforts to ensure that the European Patent Office refuses requests for unitary effect within the meaning
of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council (*4) that are filed by Russian nationals or
natural persons residing in Russia, or by legal persons, entities or bodies established in Russia, including if jointly filed by
a Russian national or natural persons residing in Russia, legal persons, entities or bodies established in Russia with one
or more non-Russian natural or legal person resident or established outside of Russia.作为《欧洲专利公约》(“EPC”)
3. Member States in their capacity as Contracting States to the EPC and in fulfilling their international obligations
undertaken in the EPC shall use best efforts to ensure that the European Patent Office does not accept new applications
for registration of European patent applications that are filed by Russian nationals or natural persons residing in Russia, o
r by legal persons, entities or bodies established in Russia, including if jointly filed by a Russian national or
natural persons residing in Russia, legal persons, entities or bodies established in Russia with one or more
non-Russian natural or legal person resident or established outside of Russia.作为EPC缔约国的欧盟成员国,
4. Member States and, where applicable, the Union, when acting under the Convention Establishing the World
Intellectual Property Organisation of 14 July 1967 and as amended on 28 September 1979 (WIPO) shall use best
efforts to ensure that WIPO or intellectual property offices constituted under the law of a Member State or the Union,
or the European Patent Office, do not accept new applications for such rights by any Russian nationals or natural
persons residing in Russia, or by legal persons, entities or bodies established in Russia, including if jointly filed
by a Russian national or natural persons residing in Russia, legal persons, entities or bodies established in Russia with
one or more non-Russian natural or legal person resident or established outside of Russia.当适用《世界知识产权组织公约》
5. Paragraphs 1 to 4 shall not apply to nationals of a Member State, of a country member of the European Economic
Area or of Switzerland, or to natural persons having a temporary or permanent residence permit in a Member State,
in a country member of the European Economic Area or in Switzerland.第 1 款至第 4 款不适用于欧盟成员国、

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